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Uganda - Cholera Outbreak

- ECHO Daily flash of 28/02/2018

  • On 23 February 2018, the Ministry of Health issued a press release declaring a Cholera outbreak in the refugee settlements of Hoima and Kyegegwa Districts in the West and South West. There has been a massive cholera epidemic going on in Eastern Congo, and refugees arrive in a region in Uganda where cholera is endemic.
  • In Hoima, as of 26 February 2018, 1056 suspected cases with 29 deaths had been reported. As of 27 February 2018, 39 suspected and confirmed cases and 2 deaths were reported in Kyaka.
  • Cholera is a serious acute infectious disease characterized by watery diarrhoea, vomiting and kills a person within a few hours. It can be spread through eating and drinking foods contaminated with faeces of an infected person. Other factors responsible for its spread are also poor personal hygiene.
  • DG ECHO is monitoring the situation and support the Congolese refugees.Further support is being considered under the 2018 budget.

Emergency Response Coordination Centre, echo-ercc@ec.europa.eu, +32 229 21112