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France - Severe Weather

- ECHO Daily flash of 31/01/2019

  • Severe weather, including heavy snow and strong wind, has been affecting western and northern France over the past three days, causing casualties and damage.
  • As of 31 January at 8.00 UTC, two people are dead from weather related incidents, one in the Loir-et-Cher Department, Centre-Val de Loire Region and one in the Seine-Maritime Department, Normandy Region. Seven more have been injured in western regions. Roads have been preventatively closed in the Paris area.
  • Over the next 24 hours, more heavy snow is forecast over the Normandy Region, Hauts-de-France Region and the Val de Seine area. Heavy rain and strong wind is forecast over weastern and central regions.
  • Météo-France has issued an orange warning for strong wind and snow avalanche over Pyrénées-Atlantiques and Hautes-Pyrénées and for snow/ice over Eure, Val d'Oise, Seine-Maritime, Yvelines, Nord, Pas-de-Calais and Somme.

Emergency Response Coordination Centre, echo-ercc@ec.europa.eu, +32 229 21112