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Burundi - Malaria outbreak

- ECHO Daily flash of 14/06/2019

  • Burundi is currently experiencing a very high malaria burden with 31 out of 46 health districts in the country having surpassed the country’s epidemic threshold.
  • A total of 3,207,552 clinical malaria cases have been registered so far in 2019, including 1,273 deaths.
  • Malaria is endemic in Burundi, but this year has already seen a 53% increase in cases compared with the 2.1 million cases during the same period last year. The situation has been exacerbated by low coverage of long-lasting insecticidal mosquito nets, climatic change and vector ecological and behavioral changes that contribute to exposing people to mosquito bites.
  • The national malaria outbreak response plan, currently under validation, highlights a lack of human, logistical, and financial resources to ensure an effective response.

Emergency Response Coordination Centre, echo-ercc@ec.europa.eu, +32 229 21112