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Ethiopia - Conflict and displacement

- ECHO Daily flash of 17/05/2018

  • Inter-ethnic conflict in Gedeo (SNNP region) and West Guji (Oromiya region) that started mid-April has led to large scale internal displacement. Official sources refer to at least 200 000 people newly displaced, while others estimate 300 000 to 400 000 people to be displaced. The large majority are ethnic Gedeos displaced within West Guji and from there towards Gedeo.
  • As of early May, up to 85 000 people are reported to have been  returned to their place of origin (46 000 within West Guji and 39 000 from Gedeo to West Guji). However, as the security situation remains uncertain, it is reported that a majority of returnees are moving again to Gedeo zone. IDPs increasingly avoid large displacement sites, preferring to find shelter among host communities, presumably to avoid involuntary return as well as the conditions and inadequate assistance in displacement sites.

Emergency Response Coordination Centre, echo-ercc@ec.europa.eu, +32 229 21112