18 July 2024 12:34 PM | Login

ECHO Daily Flash

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Myanmar - Floods

- ECHO Daily flash of 18/07/2024

  • Monsoon season has been affecting several parts of Myanmar since the end of June, particularly the northern and north-western parts, causing floods and resulting in evacuations and damage. The worst-hit regions are Kachin, Magway, Mandalay and Sagaing.
  • As of 16 July, according to UN OCHA, an estimated 118,000 people have been temporarily evacuated to safer places. Sagaing has been the hardest hit, with at least 11 townships flooded, followed by Mandalay, which had four townships affected. Kachin State has also been impacted, with 37,000 people evacuated due to flash floods.
  • On 18-19 July, moderate to locally heavy rainfall is forecast over northern and central Myanmar, while very heavy rainfall is expected across southern Myanmar. 
  • DG ECHO’s emergency response mechanism, which is designed to respond to populations displacements within the first 72 hours, is responding with rapid needs assessments and  immediate assistance. 


China - Floods and landslides

- ECHO Daily flash of 18/07/2024

  • Heavy rainfall has been affecting central and north-eastern China, particularly the Henan, Hubei, Sichuan, Shaanxi and Gansu provinces, since 14 July, causing floods and triggering landslides that have resulted in casualties and damage.
  • Media report, as of 18 July, four fatalities across the area of Suizhou city, Hubei province, due to floods. In addition, media also report nearly 6,500 evacuated people in the Henan province and an uncertain number of evacuated people across the Gansu province. Moreover, approximately 2,500 evacuated people and two injured persons were reported across the Shaanxi province.
  • Over the next 24 hours, according to the China Meteorological Administration (CMA), more heavy rainfall with locally very heavy rainfall is still forecasted over central and north-eastern China.


India - Monsoon rains

- ECHO Daily flash of 18/07/2024

  • Heavy rainfall, thunderstorms and lighting have been affecting north-western India, in particular the Uttar Pradesh state since 9 July, causing floods and severe weather-related incidents that have resulted in casualties and damage.
  • As of 15 July, the National Coalition of Humanitarian, Development and Resilience Actors in India report 54 fatalities, 250,000 displaced people and 1.8 million affected people across 923 villages in 16 districts. In addition, media report that the water levels of the Rapti River in Gorakhpur, Budhi Rapti River in Siddharth Nagar, and Quono River in Gonda are above the danger threshold.
  • On 18-19 July, very heavy rainfall is forecasted over western and north-eastern India, red warnings have been issued for extremely heavy rainfall for 12 districts in western India.


Guatemala - Rainy season

- ECHO Daily flash of 18/07/2024

  • Following the heavy rainfall due to the rainy season that has been affecting several departments of Guatemala since June, the humanitarian impact is increasing.
  • As of 18 July, the National Coordination for Disaster Reduction of Guatemala (CONRED) reports 18 fatalities across eight departments, including three in San Marcos, three in Jutiapa and three in Sacatepéquez, 13 injured people, 18,269 evacuated people, of whom 713 in evacuation centres. In addition, 6,897 houses have been damaged, 358 houses have been severely damaged, five bridges have been destroyed and 40 have been affected.
  • On 18-19 July, light or moderate rainfall is expected in central and southern Guatemala.


USA - Wildfires

- ECHO Daily flash of 18/07/2024

  • The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) reports, as of 17 July, five major ongoing active fires across north-western USA, in particular Utah, Oregon, Montana and Idaho, and western USA (Nevada). The wildfires have caused casualties, prompted evacuations and created damage. 
  • The Silver King Fire, Piute county, Utah, has burnt so far an area of nearly 7,150 ha, resulting in four injured people and 60 evacuated people. The Larch Creek Fire, Wasco county, Oregon, has burnt so far an area of over 7,500 ha, resulting in three injured people and 3,135 evacuated people. The Horse Gulch Fire, Lewis and Clark and Broadwater county, Montana, has burnt so far an area of around 5,400 ha, resulting in one fatality, two injured people and 200 evacuated people. Two other ongoing active fires were reported across Nevada and Idaho, resulting in 1,300 evacuated people.
  • Over the next 24 hours, according to the JRC Global Wildfire Information System (GWIS), the fire danger forecast is from high to very extreme across north-western and western USA.


Floods and flood warnings during the last 24 hours

- ECHO Daily flash of 18/07/2024

  • Poland: threshold level 2/2 for Barycz and Swedrina rivers.
  • Switzerland: warning level 3/5 for the Bodensee.


Meteoalarm, as of 18 July at 7:00 UTC

- ECHO Daily flash of 18/07/2024

  • On 18 July: red alert for high temperature over Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Italy, Romania and Serbia.
  • On 19 July: red alert for high temperature over Croatia, Hungary, Italy and Romania.


Myanmar - Cholera outbreak

- ECHO Daily flash of 17/07/2024

  • The military-controlled Ministry of Health has confirmed the presence of cholera in Yangon in an official statement. As of 17 July, there are 77 confirmed cases of hospitalisation. According to other reports, cholera cases have also been identified in Rakhine, Chin and East Bago regions, with local media reporting over 240 hospitalisations.
  • The World Health Organization (WHO) is providing training to local health workers, while the in-country water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) humanitarian cluster has a response plan that includes a rapid response team, capacity building, water supply and provision of non-food items (NFIs).
  • Rapid assessment is partially hindered by ongoing conflict and access restrictions across the country. DG ECHO is assessing the situation and possible response together with humanitarian partners.


Afghanistan - Flash floods, update

- ECHO Daily flash of 17/07/2024

  • The humanitarian impact is increasing following the flash flood events that affected the eastern provinces of Nangarhar, Kunar, and Laghman.
  • According to Save the Children and media, the death toll reached 40 people while 350 others have been injured. In addition, 1,500 children have been displaced and 400 houses have been destroyed.
  • Infrastructure damage has been also reported to telecommunications networks and several roads have also been blocked, making it difficult to access affected areas.
  • For the next 24 hours, moderate rain is expected across eastern and north-eastern Afghanistan.


Kyrgyzstan - Floods and landslides, update

- ECHO Daily flash of 17/07/2024

  • The number of casualties has increased following floods, including the Ak-Buura river overflow, and landslides across Osh region in southern Kyrgyzstan.
  • According to the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), five people died while another is still missing. In addition, 450 people have been displaced and almost 3,000 affected.
  • National authorities are providing help for those affected by the event.
  • For the next 24 hours, moderate rain is expected across parts of southern and eastern Kyrgyzstan.

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Emergency Response Coordination Centre, echo-ercc@ec.europa.eu, +32 229 21112