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Chile - Volcanic eruption

- ECHO Daily flash of 23/04/2015

  • On 22 April, the Calbuco volcano in southern Chile, located about 1 000 km south of Santiago in the Los Lagos Region, has erupted at around 18:00 local time (21:00 UTC). The National Service of Geology and Mining (SERNAGEOMIN) reported an ash plume up to a height of 10 km. State of Constitutional Exception has been declared for the province of Llanquihue and for the municipality of Puerto Octay (in Osorno province). Last significant eruption of the same volcano was in 1961. The volcano was inactive since 1972 but is considered dangerous due to its destruction potential.
  • Authorities issued a Red Alert, evacuated about 1 500 people in the nearby area and called for the evacuation of all other people in a 20 km radius in the area. Eight evacuation routes have been identified to allow inhabitants from nearby communities to reach safe places.
  • A number of flights have been cancelled to and from neighbouring city Puerto Montt, Los Lagos Region in southern Chile.

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