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Niger - Heavy rains and floods

- ECHO Daily flash of 05/09/2019

  • Heavy rain and the recent overflow of Niger River have caused considerable suffering, death and damage in Niger. 
  • As of 2 September, 66,434 people have been affected mainly in the regions of Maradi, Zinder, Agadez, Dosso and Niamey. As the country is in the midst of the lean season, food stocks have been destroyed, agricultural lands flooded and cattle lost. 42 people have already lost their lives due to the intensity of the floods. Houses, schools and shops have been destroyed. 
  • The Niger Government has called for the relocation of the most at-risk population.
  • Needs assessments for immediate response are being carried out under the coordination of the Ministry in Charge of Humanitarian Affairs, the civil protection authorities, UN Agencies and International NGOs.

Emergency Response Coordination Centre, echo-ercc@ec.europa.eu, +32 229 21112